Victorian Dental Group voluntarily elected to undergo an audit of its practice – and was awarded immediate full accreditation against the six National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards, applicable to dentistry by Quality Innovation Performance Limited (QIP)

QIP is an approved accrediting agency by the Australian Commission for the NSQHS. 

Accreditation is important to us as we aim to uphold the highest industry regulations and guidelines, and are committed to ongoing quality improvement, patient safety and quality care. 

As a voluntary, profession-led program, Private Dental Practice Accreditation aims to promote continuous quality improvement, implementation of best practice systems and processes, and reductions to clinical and business risk, while enhancing consumer confidence. This process also supports teams to build a culture of quality, educating and engaging staff in enhancing day-to-day operations, provides an opportunity to gain a competitive advantage.

In short, that means that Victorian Dental Group has undergone a process to meet a strict set of standards that commit us to continuously improving the safety and quality of the care they deliver to patients like you.

Achieving a QIP approval for a private dental practice means that patients can feel confident knowing their oral health provider has an established track record for maintaining high standards of care. 

The standards of care include: 

Standard 1 Governance for Safety and Quality in Health Service Organisations

Standard 2 Partnering with Consumers

Standard 3 Preventing and Controlling Healthcare-Associated Infections

Standard 4 Medication Safety

Standard 5 Patient Identification and Procedure Matching

Standard 6 Clinical Handover.


Victorian Dental Group

Victorian Dental Group will be closed for annual maintenance on 3rd and 4th of October. Online booking remains active and our team will be available from Monday 7th October.